Privacy Policy

We does not collect any personal information from any of your use of our App. All photos and app data are stored securely in your private iCloud account and nowhere else.


VegLog is an App for iPhone which allows you to keep track of your vegetables in your veg patches or even your household plants. Set up reminders for when to water them, keep a log of harvest weights, take notes about how your tomatoes are looking over time. All in one place!

Logging your first Veg

Some vegetables

To set up your first plantings, head over to the app and click on “Add Location”. Then when adding your first planting, fill in all the information in each field. After you add all the relevant information, you can head back to the home screen to see a summary of all your reccent plantings, notes and upcoming harvests!


You can reach out via email with any buisness enquires, to give any feedback about the app or just to say Hi at